Here are some things to know if you are visiting First Wesleyan for the first time

All parking is on the east side of the building with some guest and handicap parking in front. Feel free to find the best parking spot for you.
Our main entrance is on the east side. The sanctuary will be right in front of you as you enter the building. Off to the right is a place where you can fellowship with people. To the left will be restrooms and classrooms.
Our first Sunday morning service begins at 8:30 and runs around an hour in length. We have a fellowship time from 9:30-10:00 where we serve coffee and a snack. At 10:00 we have our 2nd worship service. Also at 10:00 we have various small group studies, with classes for everyone from preschoolers through grandparents.

Our nursery is available for babies and toddlers up to the age of 2 during both services, as well as during most Wednesday night activities.

During each service, we sing worship music and have a time of teaching from the Bible. We receive communion on the first Sunday of each month. You do not have to be a member of our church to participate in our communion service.  

On a typical Sunday morning you will find people dressed in jeans and t-shirts, shorts and a polo, and a suit and tie. We hope you come dressed however you feel most comfortable.
We have a traditional style sanctuary with padded chairs for your comfort separated into four sections. Find the place that would be most comfortable for you.
During both of our Worship Service times, we have a separate staffed nursery for children from birth, up to 2 years of age. Children under 2 years of age should be checked in there, where they will also have a fun morning playing in a safe environment while experiencing the love of Jesus from our dedicated volunteers.
We hope that you feel genuinely cared about and welcomed at First Wesleyan Church. Most important, we pray that you are able to sense the presence of God and meet with Him.

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For more information about how you can make new friends and connect with others in meaningful ways at First Wesleyan, please contact Pastor Steve by email, phone or mobile message.
(605) 430-3019 – Call or Text

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